CIN Received A Recognition for Freedom of Speech
Media organizations and individuals, among which the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), received recognitions from the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection. Piše: Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo (CIN) 06.02.2023 The Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection recognized the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN BiH), Amila
BIRN BiH Recognized for Reporting on Corruption Whistleblowers
At its annual meeting in Sarajevo, the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection granted recognition for freedom of speech to BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina and other journalists and activists. Recognitions for freedom of speech by the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection were given for activist efforts, engagement in public
Priznanje za slobodu govora i hrabrost predsjednici Udruženja Baby Steps Amili Tatarević
Priznanje za slobodu govora, hrabrost i predstavljanje društveno važnih informacija od javnog interesa predsjednici Udruženja Baby Steps iz Sarajeva Amili Tatarević. Koalicija za zaštitu zviždača Jugoistočne Europe na godišnjem sastanku u Sarajevu dodijelila je priznanje za slobodu govora, hrabrost i predstavljanje društveno važnih informacija od javnog interesa predsjednici Udruženja Baby
Qëndresa Qytetare, pjesë e takimit vjetor të Koalicionit të Evropës Juglindore për Mbrojtjen e Denoncuesve në Sarajevë.
Korrupsioni në rajon është sfida kryesore. Fenomeni i pandëshkueshmërisë është prezent gjithashtu, por kjo nuk duhet të na pengojë të sinjalizojmë çdo lloj sjellje të pahijshme që shohim. Gjithashtu çdo sukses duhet të festohet dhe promovohet për të frymëzuar sinjalizues të rinj që të dalin përpara.Dragana Kurti prezantoi punën e
Prosecutors Investigate Bribery and Abuse in Bosnia’s Maternity Wards
Officials act on evidence of corruption and ‘slaughterhouse’ conditions in hospitals, discovered by Udruženje Baby Steps Responding to evidence of widespread bribery and abuse in maternity wards, prosecutors in Zenica Doboj Canton are investigating the mistreatment of mothers and pregnant woman in hospitals, Whistleblowing International and the European Center for
International Whistleblower Day 2022
This article first appeared in June 18, 2021 by Goran Lefkov Center for Investigative Journalism SCOOP Macedonia and the Youth Educational Forum jointly organized the Whistleblower Day on May 12 and 13 this year. The first day a conference was held on whistleblowing and challenges for the future, while
Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection Annual Meeting held in Sarajevo
This article first appeared in December 3, 2021 The Annual Meeting of the Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection co-hosted by the Foundation INFOHOUSE, was held in Sarajevo on Friday, November 22, 2021 with the support of RAI Secretariat. The Coalition’s Annual Meeting serves as a platform for discussion