Macedonia: Time to Uphold New Whistleblower Rights

After a lengthy debate, Macedonia’s Assembly passed a whistleblower protection law in November 2015. Attention has now turned to making sure that employees and citizens will benefit from the rights and protections enshrined in the Law on Whistleblowers’ Protection. So far, the process is not off to an auspicious start.

As of the end of October 2016, no government agencies have been set up to enforce the new law, nor have any external reporting channels for whistleblower been established. And, with the Assembly having been dissolved in October, there are doubts that the government will be able to implement recommendations  presented by the Venice Commission to improve whistleblower procedures.

Coalition member Transparency International Macedonia has met with numerous government officials and is continuing to push authorities to properly and efficiently implement the law for the benefit of whistleblowers.

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